A Healthy Brain

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”    Romans 12:2a NLT

Kevin and I have been on the Daniel Plan for over 50 days.  I am learning a lot about one of the five essentials, Focus.  A statement from the book rang so true for me, “Whatever I focus on, I move toward.”  I know this to be true.  I have proved it time and again in my driving techniques.  My mom proclaims I drive like my father did.  If he focused on something off to the side, and more than likely it was a new oil well some company was drilling, then he would drive off toward that well.  I can’t tell you how many times I have looked off to see what new shop was going in, and then drifted off into the lane next to me.  I really hate to do that when my mother is in the car with me.  My dad had a lot of really great qualities that I try to emulate, but his driving skills were not one of them.  I see that I am drifting away from my point; I am focusing on my memories of dad.  So, back to the focus of this post.  I am learning a lot about a healthy brain, and how important it is in your overall health.  Our brains are one of the most magnificent organs in our body.  What we think about and what we focus on are paramount to a healthy life.  Did you know your thoughts during the first five minutes upon waking shape what you will dwell on for the rest of your day?  I have found that to be so true in my life.  If I am in the midst of trouble or worry, I usually go to sleep thinking on this bothersome obstacle which causes me to wake up with the same troublesome thoughts, which in turn causes me to meddle on those same thoughts throughout my day.  Lately, I have been making a conscious effort to go to sleep with thoughts of God’s greatness, and also before even putting my feet on the ground upon waking, I focus on God’s strength.  These are words from a Daniel Plan devotional written by Rick Warren.

From “The Daniel Plan” devotional by Rick Warren “Shift to a new soundtrack.”

“People really don’t forget anything. Stored somewhere in your mind, you’ll find the date of your anniversary, the score of the Super Bowl when you were 10, and the day your child lost his first tooth.

You may not recall those events, but the memories are there.

The good news is, your brain stores everything. The bad news is, your brain stores everything. Your brain can’t distinguish between what’s imaginary and what’s real, truth or lies.

You have stored all kind of garbage in your brain. And, often it’s that garbage that you’re basing your decisions upon.”

Another author of “The Daniel Plan” Dr Daniel Amen writes this quote, “To get healthier and happier for the long run, it is critical to strengthen your brain.”

Over two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul warned us about these same things.

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NIV

The King James Version records these same verses in this manner.

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Our brains controls our thoughts.  We need a strong healthy brain to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Our enemy, the devil, tries to invade our lives by invading our thoughts, making us believe lies that he has planted in our brains.  These verses say we can demolish those lies and arguments of our enemy.  We can pull down every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, but to do this we must take every thought captive and give it to our Commander, the Lord Jesus Christ.  We have been given weapons to control our thoughts.  One of those weapons is praise and worship to the One True God.  “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD.” Deuteronomy 6:4

My praise weapon for today

You are Stronger by Planet Shakers

No matter may come my way.  Know that You’re bigger.  No matter what people will say I know that You’re greater.  You can do all things, so we lift our hands and sing

You are stronger, You are greater, You are bigger than all things.  You are stronger, full of power, Lord I trust in You.

Every mountain must move out the way because of Your name, because of Your name Jesus

Every situation must bow, Bow to Your name, bow to Your name Jesus